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The 32 Principles: Achieving Artistry (Part 3 of 3)

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

The 32 Principles represent different ways of achieving efficiency, which is the apex principle of Jiu-jitsu. The greatest Jiu-jitsu practitioners strive to expend as little energy as possible when on the mat. They know that conserving their energy, while letting their opponents waste theirs, will give them the best chances of survival.

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The 32 Principles of Jiu Jitsu: Making Deposits (Part 2 of 3)

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

In most jiu-jitsu classes, there is usually one student who excels at learning new moves, improvising new techniques, and figuring out how to escape from holds without explicit instruction. It doesn’t mean that they are the strongest or fastest or the most advanced fighter. In some cases, they may even be white belts. However, these students seem to just inherently understand things other students do not.

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The 32 Principles of Jiu Jitsu (Part 1 of 3)

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

From an outsider’s perspective, jiu-jitsu may look like a lot of grappling and complicated chokeholds. To the white belt who may have spent just finished their first week of classes, they may not feel all that different. Performing certain moves can require more than a dozen steps and learning how to employ these techniques fluidly and effectively can take years of practice. As one gains a greater appreciation for the amount of dedication, knowledge, and skill that goes into becoming a great fighter, one is likely to gain a greater appreciation for why jiu-jitsu is called a martial art.

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Ego-less Sparring

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

Gracie Combatives is a program designed for adults who are new to jiu-jitsu. It teaches the essential techniques of jiu-jitsu through careful instruction, allowing students to develop their reflexes and learn how to incorporate moves while in a real-world fight scenario. What may come as a surprise is that students often take classes for months or even up to a year before they begin sparring.

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Powerful Principles

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

Learning to be a student of principles starts with reading between the lines when you’re learning moves and technique. It means that you’re not just following the steps for each move like you’re putting together a piece of furniture. 

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The Four Elements of Jiu Jitsu

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

The core objective of jiu-jitsu is survival. More than beating your opponent or learning proper technique, jiu-jitsu is a form of self-defense that teaches practitioners how to survive a fight, whether it is during an MMA match or a street fight.

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The Marietta Miracle

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

There has been a lot of discussion about what kind of role police should play in society.

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The Self-defense Mindset

in Self-Defense by Ronin Athletics Team

Women Empowered classes at the Gracie Academy emphasize eight fundamentals of self-defense. They are:

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How do Jiu Jitsu Belts Work?

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

Even before starting jiu-jitsu, just about everyone has a general idea of how the belt system works. In the most basic terms, belts symbolize skill level and rank. White belts represent those who are new to jiu-jitsu. As they develop as fighters and demonstrate their increased skill level on the mat, they are awarded new belts.

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Women’s Self-defense courses: real help or false confidence?

in Self-Defense by Ronin Athletics Team

With the explosive popularity of group fitness classes like Pilates, yoga and spinning, women in New York City have a wide variety of classes to choose from.  Pugilistic sports like Boxing and Kickboxing have crossed over into this fitness category, boasting the benefits of fitness training while learning self-defense. 

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Jiu Jitsu is a Language

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

One of the more interesting ways to think about learning Jiu-Jitsu is to think of it as learning a language.

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The Gracie Approach to teaching Jiu Jitsu (PART 2 of 2): The Curriculum and a New Way of Sparring

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

Most educational programs are made up of different levels or grades. You begin at a low level, demonstrate your knowledge of certain material, and then move up (or graduate) to the next level. Jiu-jitsu is no different.

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The Gracie Approach to teaching Jiu Jitsu (PART 1 of 2): ‘Sink or Swim’ vs. Gracie Training Philosophy

in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Ronin Athletics Team

Most people who go to their first jiu-jitsu class are nervous. It’s difficult to walk into any situation wearing your inexperience on your sleeve, especially when this inexperience concerns your ability to defend yourself physically.

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Kids Self-Defense: How the ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy helps Bullies

in Self-Defense by Ronin Athletics Team

Bullying is a major problem in the United States. It takes a massive toll on the physical and psychological wellbeing of kids from elementary school to high school and it can oftentimes lead to extremely violent and tragic events.

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Martial Arts for Adults

in Mixed Martial Arts by Ronin Athletics Team

We typically think of martial arts training that is something incredibly beneficial for children – and rightfully so, but those benefits are not exclusive to children as adults often stand to gain for more from martial arts training than children actually.

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